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Version: 3.1 (latest)

Edge Node Management

The Instance Management Portal allows an overview of all the Edge Nodes that are connected in the instance, whether public to all users or private to a group.

Add Public Edge Nodes for the Entire Instance

A public edge node can be used by all permissioned users of the instance. Only Instance Administrators can make their edge nodes public.

Pre-requisite: Make sure you have already provisioned and configured your edge node infrastructure. If this has not yet been done, refer to: Acentrik Edge Node Setup

To add a public edge node:

  1. Log in to Instance Management Portal.
  2. Click on ‘Edge Nodes’ from the left panel.
  3. Click on ‘Create Edge Node’.
  4. Fill in the necessary details of the edge node.
  5. Once populated, click on the ‘Create & Submit’ button.
  6. A success message will appear.

Update Information of a Public Instance Edge Node

To modify the information within an instance edge node:

  1. Log in to Acentrik Instance Management Portal.
  2. Select the ‘Edge Nodes’ tab from the left panel.
  3. Under the ‘Instance Edge Nodes’ section, click on the edge node you need to edit.
  4. Click on the ‘Edit’ button.
  5. Edit the name or URL of the Edge Node.
  6. Click ‘Save Changes’ to save your updates.
  7. A success message will appear.

Activate or Deactivate a Public Instance Edge Node

As an instance admin, you can manage the status of a public instance edge node by changing its status to 'Active' or ‘Inactive’.

To deactivate or activate edge nodes:

  1. Log in to Instance Management Portal.
  2. Select the ‘Edge Nodes’ tab from the left panel.
  3. Under the ‘Instance Edge Nodes’ section, select the edge node you want to change.
  4. Under the Edge Node Information section, toggle the ‘Status’ to either ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive’.
  5. A success message will appear indicating the change is successful.

Delete a Public Instance Edge Node

To delete an inactive instance edge node:

  1. Log in to Instance Management Portal.
  2. Click on ‘Edge Nodes’ from the left panel.
  3. Locate the edge node you want to delete and click on it.
  4. Under the Edge Node Information section, make sure the ‘Status’ toggle is set to ‘Inactive’.
  5. Click on the dustbin icon under the ‘Actions’ column.
  6. Confirm the change when prompted. A success message will appear indicating that the change is successful.

Approve Private Edge Node Requests

Groups can request to connect their own private edge nodes to the instance. As an instance admin, you can easily review and approve these requests.

To approve a group Private Edge Node request:

  1. Log in to Instance Management Portal.
  2. Click on ‘Edge Nodes’ from the left panel.
  3. Switch to the ‘Group Edge Nodes’ tab and look under the ‘Pending’ section.
  4. A list of current pending requests will be displayed.
  5. Click ‘Approve’ next to the relevant request.
  6. Once approved, a success message will appear.